Bring the Yin Within
Dear Zenthai Family,
Hello from Suffolk Park, Byron Bay.
We are coming into Winter, and lets ignore the conventional date that Winter begins and bring it forward to the 1st week of May. As in Chinese Medicine this is a closer point in the seasonal change, in accordance to the Solstice.
What we do in Winter nourishes us up in preparation for the Spring and Summer. I am going to encourage you to Bring the Yin. Build it up. Fill your cup. The Water Element is the most Yin of the elements and its season is Winter. Fire is the most yang - Summer.
How do we fill up and build up the yin within. I have made a list and given each item some points. Therefore you can try and score the most points if you like to.
Here are 15 things: Do what you can with the time you have - there is no maximum points. But I guarantee if you acheive a lot of points, your cup is going to be feeling pretty juicy.
Physical Practices:
1. Sleep 300 Points - When was the last time you got a 300 points sleep?
To get 300 points you want to be going to bed early. Set yourself a bed time. For me 9pm is manageable and I like about 9hrs sleep (what is best for you may be different so I am not going to set an ideal time, just be honest with yourself, what works best). You can drop into slumber by 7:30pm if you like (i encourage it). The immune system is really well nourished while you sleep between 8pm - 10pm.
2. Zenthai Shiatsu/Massage - 200 points - Zenthai and Massage can be focussed on building the yin, and allow the body to switch off and be nurtured with quality touch. The vibrations in the body are heightened and chi and prana are in more flow. Apart from a full nights sleep this would have to be the next best thing in my biased opinion. 200 points is for a 1hr treatment. Give yourself 100 points for 30 minutes and many of you have had some trainging in Zenthai so partner up and share the giving and receiving. There is a facebook group called Zenthai Tribe Newcastle you might like to use to connect in with each other. Click here to go to the page... Remember to have the intention of fuelling the body, rather then dispersing the energy (Slow the session down a bit, be present and allow the body to invite you in, the nervous system is always welcoming this).
3. Yin Yoga - 150 points - Yin Yoga allows the body to open the energetic pathways and relax. For 1 hr of Yin Yoga give 150 points. Very easy to do at home or go to one of the great teachers near you. Remember to listen to your body, and notice if your someone who always does yin yoga, and your joints are already really flexible and open, you might need to do a more active class, and build stability, rather then more openness.
4. Yoga Nidra - 100 points - 30 - 45 mins
Yoga Nidra is an awake sleep. Lying in Savasana and allowing your mind to move through the body and relax everything. There is also an element of self reflection where you can notice the things that are not serving you, and what you would like to do to create a positive change.
5. Pranayama - 50 points per 5 minutes. And yes you can have 100 points for 10 minutes.
This the quickest way to get points... Am I being too generous here, I dont think so. How many of us actually take 5 minutes to conciously breathe each day. Not many. Start making this a daily habit and you will see some great results. There are many Pranayama techniques, trial which ones support you. Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing) is a great one to begin with.
6. Meditation - 20 points per 5 minutes. 100 points for 25 minutes. etc.
Meditation practices are incredibly supportive for healing, if you are going through a stressful time, then please dont miss bringing some meditation into your day. Start with 5 minutes. Insight Timer is a meditation app you can use for guided meditations which is great.
Nature Immersion: All at least 1 point per minute.
7. Noble Silence - Noble Silence is where you are completely immersed in the moment without conversation or 'doing', whatever you are doing there is more focus on the being within it. This time must be without technical devices. You are engaged with both your internal and external environments. Self enquire and notice any tendency to want to fill the gap/space with something, what is it that you reach for in this space or can you just be.
8. Sun Bath - The sun provides a great source of Vitamin D, which is crucial for your immune system to function well. In winter you may get into the habit of being indoors a lot. Try and find some sun each day and contact your skin with this incredibly powerful source of wellness. You can overdo this one obviously.
9. Ocean Swim - Up here it is actually still a bit of a question mark if the water is clean enough, and I have heard some people have had infections from ocean swimming. So after big floods, you need to be discerning. But if the water is clean, this is the best thing, if the water is cold, keep it short (2 minutes). Give yourself 100 points for a 2 minute ocean swim.
10. Barefeet on the Earth: This is great, be mindful of cold. No points for getting cold feet, if you are trying to nurture the yin. But if the ground is body temperature or above, enjoy barefoot exploring.
Less is More
When it comes to nourishing sometimes we overdo the attention on food, its important to eat foods that have high nutrients but that dont take too much energy to digest. And it is also very beneificial to have space between meals to give the body time to fully digest.
11. 3 hr breaks of no eating/drinking between meals - 100 points. I ate a pretty large breakfast this morning, finishing at around 9am, it is now 12:40pm, I am good to go for lunch but I am not yet hungry though so always listen. As we often have a plethora of snacks around, it is important to conciously decide to have a long break without consuming anything else through the day. If thirsty a little water or tea is fine, but no smoothies etc.
12. Hydrate - 10 points for a glass of water. 20 points if it has a squeeze of lime in it. The lime is great to allow for some nutrients and electrolites, this hydrates the body better than straight water, which can irrigate the body rather then hydrate it.
13. Seaweed - 20 points. The japanese diet is very yin, and the japanese people have a tendency to live very long lives. Bring some seaweed into your diet today.
14. Herbal Tea - 20 points per cup. Note this tea does not have milk in it. I recommend licorice root tea to help build yin, and I am sure there are many others that are great.
15. Soup/Broth - 100 points if you have soup for dinner (no bread). Often we eat very dry foods like bread, pizza, pastries for dinner. If you love soup bring them into your culinary routine to help nourish and build the water energy in your body.
Make a tally and share how you go with building yin today. I am up to 240 points so far today. And I am getting a zenthai treatment at Brunswick Heads community clinic this afternoon so looking forward to that filling my cup and getting another 200 points.
Important to remember to keep warm and a daily physical practice that moves the body and breath for a minimum of 30 minutes is paramount to your wellness. When the body is stagnant, especially if eating a lot, the energy becomes very damp and heavy. Like mould grows in some environments more than others, those with good airflow are usually mould free.
We have some things coming up…
MAY 1st - Flood Fundraiser and Zenthai Shiatsu Workshop based on the Water Element, Lower Back Pain, Vitality. 1 - 4pm at the Open Mind Space. Book tickets here: And please be in touch if you would like to support the Flood Fund Raiser, if you would like to buy tickets for the raffle or donate a prize.
MAY 19 - 22nd - Level One Zenthai Shiatsu Foundations 4 Day Class. Learn a 2 hour sequence to offer others and immerse in the pillars and principles of Zenthai Shiatsu whilst enjoying the connection with concious community and bodywork. At Glenrock Scout Camp: Applications and More Info - Click Here
JUNE 24-25th - Gwyn is in Sydney. Details are still to be confirmed. Email me or Brooke Elliston if you are interested and we will share the information about it when it is all set.
9 Month Therapist Programme - Starts July 14th: 8 (4 day) modules that cover advanced techniques, remedial Zenthai influenced by osteopathic technique and principles, Chinese Medicine 5 element theory including traditional therapies such as moxa, cupping and poultices. A highly beneficial programme for ones own healing journey, and for those wishing to support others on theirs. For more info and a link to apply: Click Here I have delayed the start of this course to give some breathing space for people to jump on board. Payment plans are available for anyone who is unable to pay upfront.
ZENTHAI FLOW: I was running classes on Tuesdays before I went away, and will be starting those up again. If you are interested in a 5 week series please indicate if you are interested and if this time would work for you. Tuesdays 10am - 11:30am in Newcastle West. I am also open to teaching Mondays at 5pm however that hall is not available, so I would need another venue.
I am pretty booked up for the first week since arriving back, but if you would like a session please be in touch and ill see if I can fit you in soon.
My pricing is currently -
$110 for an hour. $150 for 90 minutes. $180 for 2hrs.
I will do a trip to Sydney / Wollongong soon, offering sessions and workshops if there is interest.
Louise is interviewing me on her community radio show tomorrow around 10.20am on Bay FM.
A new community instagram page is also starting soon, this will be for all those who want to be connected to the local community:
With blessings of love